How to stop others from using your Wi-fi?

Hello firends. You all usually pay for using net. But, i have seen many people using other's wi-fi to do their ownn work. This is called Wi-Fi Theft in the technicl terms. Usually there is nothing you can do to stop that but there are some tricks that you can use to simply avoid your neighbours to use that. Of course, because you are paying for it and no one else isn't. So, here are the tricks:

Trick#1: Monitor if the wifi is not signalling when all the other family members are using it, If not. Switch it off. (of course the non-paid stranger should not be using it happily.

Trick#2: Consult it with your neighbours. Yes, tell your neighbours that if they would be found doing anything like that, they wouldn't be forgiven.

Trick#3: Change the name of your Wi-Fi device to something scary such as C://virus.exe and the stranger will think twice before using it.

Trick#4: Save a password for the router and tell the family members to not to discuss it outside the home.

We hope that either of these tricks would be able to work for you .Thanks for reading and keep coming :)

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1 Respones to "How to stop others from using your Wi-fi?"

Amit Agarwal said...

hey guys read ur post and see your pic they nice. But r u guy read mine all posts.

22 August 2011 at 06:50

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